Architecture Overview

The CPU simulator implements a simple 16-bit architecture with the following features:

Instruction Set

Instruction Opcode Description
HALT 0x0 Stop program execution
LOAD value 0x1 Load immediate value into ACC
LOADM addr 0x2 Load value from memory into ACC
STORE addr 0x3 Store ACC to memory
ADD value 0x4 Add immediate value to ACC
ADDM addr 0x5 Add memory value to ACC
SUB value 0x6 Subtract immediate value from ACC
SUBM addr 0x7 Subtract memory value from ACC
JUMP addr 0x8 Jump to address
JUMPZ addr 0x9 Jump if ACC is zero
JUMPNZ addr 0xA Jump if ACC is not zero

Example Programs

Counter Program

; Count from 0 to 255
LOAD 0        ; Initialize counter
    STORE 100  ; Store current value
    ADD 1      ; Increment
    JUMPNZ loop; Continue if not zero

Memory Copy Program

; Copy memory from address 50 to 100
LOAD 10       ; Number of values to copy
STORE 0       ; Store counter
    LOADM 50   ; Load from source
    STORE 100  ; Store to destination
    LOAD 1
    ADD 50     ; Increment source address
    STORE 50
    LOAD 1
    ADD 100    ; Increment destination address
    STORE 100
    LOADM 0    ; Load counter
    SUB 1      ; Decrement counter
    STORE 0    ; Store updated counter
    JUMPNZ loop; Continue if counter not zero

Assembly Syntax

Memory Layout

The memory consists of 256 16-bit words (addresses 0-255). There are no reserved memory locations, and the program can use any memory address for data storage.